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TYSURE is Travelyaari's promise to you. A promise, of reliability. A promise, that is a result of a deeper understanding of a bus traveller, to make bus travel more dependable

A Promise of


Here's What you can expect

Don't just be sure of travelling when you need to travel. Be TYSURE

Timely Confirmation

Customers will be informed of cancellations well in advance to the actual departure

Cancellation Alternatives

In the unlikely event of a cancellation, we will make alternate arrangements.


If alternate bus cannot be provided, double of your booking amount will be refunded.

Assured Insurance

Coverage of Rs.1 Lakh every time you travel by bus with us

Choose TYSURE Always

Whenever you decide to travel with us, opt for our TYSURE reliablity service during the checkout process. It will turn out to be the only assurance you need

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TYSURE?

TYSURE is an intuitive reliability service by Travelyaari that gives you a series of benefits, making your bus booking and bus travel experience dependable. TYSURE service assures you Guaranteed travel and 100% satisfaction at all stages of the bus booking process including cancellation and refund.

What are the benefits of buying tickets with TYSURE?

Customers who opt for TYSURE can enjoy the following benefits:
Timely confirmation: Customers will be informed of bus cancellations and alternate arrangements well in advance to departure.
Cancellation alternatives:In an unlikely event of a cancellation, Travelyaari will take the responsibility to make arrangements for an alternate bus. The quality of booking will be at par with what was booked earlier by you or superior Get a refund, of the booking amount, in case Travelyaari is unable to provide alternative arrangements as per your travel time requirements. TYSURE also includes a
Rs. 1 lakh insurance coverage

Can we opt for TYSURE benefits after purchasing tickets?

TYSURE is a service that you opt for during the checkout process before making your final payment by checking the TYSURE box

How do I avail TYSURE benefit?

You can avail TYSURE benefit during your checkout process by checking the TYSURE box before making the payment

Is TYSURE a paid service?

TYSURE comes with a minimal cost of Rs. 20/- and gives you the benefit of Rs. 1 lakh insurance coverage.

How is the refund amount decided?

The refund amount is decided based on the original ticket cost

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No.412,3rd Floor,100 Feet Road Koramangala 4-C Block, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034 080 44820000 Travelyaari
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